The endometrium is the inner lining of your uterus (the womb). The endometrial lining gets thicker throughout your ovulation menstrual cycle. Your uterine lining thickens in preparation of a possible pregnancy.
After an egg is fertilized, it travels down the fallopian tube into the uterus. The endometrial lining is where the fertilized egg implants, or burrows and attaches itself to the uterine wall, where it will continue to grow and be nourished.
There are three layers of the uterus: The perimetrium is the outer layer, the myometrium is in the middle, and the endometrium is the inner layer of the uterine wall. This inner uterine lining is the one that builds up and sheds cyclically to prepare to possible conception each cycle.
The endometrium, itself, has two layers. The functional layer is the part that builds up and sheds each cycle. The basal layer is not shed and from it the functional layer develops.
If you do not get pregnant, the endometrial lining will shed and flow through the vagina (your menstrual period). The first day of bleeding is the first day of your ovulation cycle. This will last a few days and is usually accompanied by uterine contractions (cramps) to help expel the uterine lining. The endometrium is at its thickest just before your period at about 5.5 millimeters.
Once bleeding has stopped the lining of the uterus will begin to build up again. The endometrial lining is at its thinnest (usually about 0.5 mm) at the end of your period, where you just shed the previous uterine lining from your prior cycle.
Before ovulation, during the follicular phase, which is the first phase of your menstrual cycle, the endometrium is under the influence of the hormone estrogen. This hormone is produced by the ovarian follicles that contain the egg cells inside the ovary.
Estrogen causes the thickening of the lining of the uterus. This hormone also controls other functions of the reproductive system, such as the changes in your cervical mucus that are vital for the sperm to survive and swim to the egg.
After ovulation, during the luteal phase, which is the last phase of your cycle, the endometrium is under the influence of progesterone and estrogen. Progesterone being the dominant hormone of this phase.
Estrogen will continue to thicken the endometrial lining while progesterone builds blood vessels for blood supply to nourish the implanted embryo. Click here to discover more about natural progesterone cream.
If conception is achieved, progesterone will continue to be produced by the corpus luteum from within the ovary. At about 10 weeks of pregnancy the placenta will take over the production of this hormone. The placenta continues to provide support and protection throughout the pregnancy.
If your egg does not get fertilized (or if pregnancy implantation does not take place), the corpus luteum will degenerate and hormone levels will fall which signals the uterine lining to begin to break down and shed.
Hormone imbalance can cause fertility problems with the thickness of the lining of the uterus (endometrium). If estrogen levels are too low than your lining can be too thin for implantation to take place, among other problems. If estrogen is too high and/or progesterone is too low, other problems happen. Like fibroids and polyps, and cancer. All impeding the chances that an embryo will be able to implant and the pregnancy may be miscarried.
You should seek the advice of your ob-gyn if your periods are very scanty and light and only last a day or two, or if your periods are extremely heavy and last longer than 7 to 10 days then. Either of these situations can indicate that your endometrium is either too thin or too thick and your hormones are out of balance.
Endometriosis is another problem that can occur. If you have endometriosis, after consulting with your health care practitioner, you may like to try natural treatments like Endo-Ex from Native Remedies or EndoWise Fertility Kit from Natural Fertility Shop.
Endometriosis is a build up of endometrial tissue in the body and high estrogen and/or low progesterone can be the cause. The natural treatments above will help to clear the excess tissue in a natural, safe way to alleviate pain and help you get pregnant (if that's your goal).
Irregular Periods | Low Progesterone | Progesterone and Miscarriage | Progesterone Creams | Endocrine Disruptors and Estrogenic Chemicals | Red Raspberry Leaf Tea | Two Week Wait | When Does Ovulation Occur? | What Happens at Conception? | When Does Conception Occur? | When Does Implantation Occur? | What Is Ovulation? | Pregnancy Implantation |
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